Certainly it was far more than simply 'coincidence' that, EXACTLY fourteen years to the VERY DAY (from when I wrote my first song "Blue Skies", 22 April, 1977), I was in a professional recording studio in Edmonton, agreeing a contract to produce my third album there. (I did not know it, at that time).
When I had departed for Canada weeks earlier in 1991, I did NOT intend to use any professional studio (due to expense) but rather, had responded to an invitation to use a HOME studio for free. However, its' facilities were lacking, so I had to seek out an alternative in order to try to achieve what I had set out to accomplish (best I could). That is - I wholeheartedly wanted to IMPROVE upon my previous albums ("Sunshine & Rain" - 1984 and "A New World" - 1988).
I think that was achieved with "A Time For Everything" and I also learned from the experience. Original (new) 1991 stock can be purchased. 10 songs inspired by God. Your support is appreciated. Songs to edify and encourage.